The guilt associated with leaving your little one at a daycare centre can sometimes be overwhelming, along with my partner being the sole careers of our
little boy for the first six months i felt a somewhat reluctant to hand over all my hard work to a 'stranger' that being the child career, but the time
had come and i was being beckoned back into the workforce, i had plenty of bills to pay, lots of future to plan and secretly a tiny bit of sanity needed
from being back with adults again.
To be honest i did tear up a little, or maybe a little more than a little, as most parent would know you wear your heart on your sleeve, your child is a
direct reflection of yourself and you take any happy moments like there first crawl, steps, words, and odd habits on board as if they were your own.
You want to know what they're doing, who they played with, how much they ate, if they slept and did they cry... with the OWNA App you can see it all
right there in the palm of your hand. You look less like the crazy mum that calls 3-4 times in the morning to check that the career remembered
everything you offloaded on them at drop off. I could now hold back a little and try play it cool (we all have to try to be the chill/lay back parent)
and watch and wait patiently for the next update. I loved seeing the photos pop up with my son picture in them, i would search for his names in the
write ups and I knew i could easily communicate with staff by posting a quick private message and within no time at all i felt more at ease with the
staff at then centre as if i'd known them for forever. They had my little boys best interests at heart and i could see they formed a connection,
my anxieties were just that a phase in the next step of my little boys life.