You’ve Used Some of the Other CCMS Software Out There like Xplor, Storypark or Qikkids.
Sure, they’re ok - but they don’t do everything, right?
All-In-One CCMS Software
If you run a childcare centre and you’re looking for ways to make life easier for you, your staff, and your customers, investing in a top-quality Child Care Management System (CCMS) is something you should be seriously considering.
We all know how much there is to think about on a day to day basis when it comes to ensuring that a centre is running smoothly: you need to keep on top of the children’s needs, liaise with parents, monitor staff attendance and – of course – make sure that absolutely all of the policies and procedures being carried out on your premises are fully compliant with company policy, state regulations and federal legislation. And on top of that, you need to manage the administration of Child Care Subsidy (CCS) through your CCMS software.
Whilst all of the above can seem overwhelming, it really doesn’t need to be so. With the help of the right software, you’ll be able to transform the way your centre approaches all of the challenges it faces.
By condensing all of your duties into one single platform, managing your childcare centre will take a fraction of the time.

Why Choose OWNA?
Here at OWNA, we’re proud to have built our excellent reputation in the childcare software space on the back of a unique, pioneering approach to software development.
When we started out, we were determined to fill what we perceived to be a significant gap in the Australian market – namely, a lack of companies offering childcare centres the flexibility they need to run their services in a way that works for them. Instead, software providers gave their customers generic, standardised apps.
We understand that each and every centre is different. And therefore, unlike many of our competitors, we always seek to work closely with our clients in order to understand the challenges they face on a daily basis, and the ways in which they seek to overcome those challenges.
This allows us to develop customisable solutions that are suited to them, and which are always bound to be more effective and intuitive to use than standardised, one-size-fits-all systems.

Get Your CCMS Set Up in Just 2 Weeks!
When you get in touch with us using the online form available on this website, we’ll be able to offer you a free demo that very same day. The demo gives us a chance to let you know exactly how our product works, and how our service operates. It also gives you a chance to ask any questions you may have, and to provide our team with as much information as you possibly can about your specific preferences and requirements.
If you’re happy and you decide to proceed, we’ll get your login details back to you within 24hrs. The onboarding team will then get everything set up for you - such as transferring data, setting up your rooms, training your staff & going live to families.
Contact us today to arrange your free demo or to find out more information about who we are and what we do.
Our Childcare App does it all and will make a major difference to your centre. From childcare documentation, educator management & CCS to application assistance and other resources. Get in touch with us today!
What People Are Saying About Us

- Parent Communication (Limited)
- Programming & Planning
- Educator Management
- Health & Safety
Early Learning Centres$1.49 per child / month
Everything from Freemium, plus;- Unlimited Parent Communication
- Rostering & Payroll
- Staff Communication
- CCS & Billing
- All Relevant Documentation for NQS Compliance
Start Free Trial * no credit card required -
OOSH/OSHCFrom $99/month
Everything from Premium, plus;- Casual Bookings
- Bus Runs
- Multiple Sessions for BSC/ASC
Start Free Trial * no credit card required -
Contact for pricing
Are you a multi-centre owner?Get in touch to chat about your options with OWNA.