You’ve used some of the other childcare resources out there like those from advisory services and the Department of Education.
Sure, they’re ok - but they don’t give you the full picture, right?
Alternative Childcare Resources
When you think of resources for managing your childcare centre, you’re probably expecting guidelines on policies & procedures, regulations, and all the boring stuff that you need to do to remain compliant. Whilst it is boring to most, it’s VERY important.
But let’s face it. We’re not going to be able to compete when it comes to this kind of information from Childcare Centre Desktop or DJMIR. So we’re offering different kinds of childcare resources for educators & managers to be able to do their job effectively, whilst minimising stress.
#1: 2023 Early Childhood Calendar
Thinking of ideas for lessons and activities in Preschool, OSHC or Long Daycare can get really hard sometimes. Some weeks you’re on fire. Other times it takes a bit of a nudge to come up with creative ideas. That’s what the Early Childhood Calendar Resource is for.
The Calendar is full of notable dates such as Religious Holidays, Observance Day like Halloween, and Public Holidays to help you keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the world, and plan your lessons accordingly.
If there’s one childcare resource you should pin up in your staff room, it’s this one.
#2: Childcare Wellbeing Resources
It’s no secret that burnout is a BIG problem in Early Childhood. And we get it. You’re constantly outputting to children, your fellow educators and families. So we developed a load of resources for educator wellbeing.
From improving your diet to practising gratitude, our aim is to help you fill up your cup so you can give your absolute best to the children in your care, and your friends & family when you’re at home.
#3: How To Create An Efficient Roster
Staffing issues have plagued the childcare sector for years. It’s so hard to get educators through the door, and even harder to attract and retain quality educators. But what if there was a better way? Our resource on creating an efficient roster can help you get the most out of your team, and also help you save on salary costs.
The Tip Nobody Wants You To Know: How Paying Above Award Can Actually SAVE You Money!
#4: How To Clean Up Family Accounts
Chances are, you got into Early Childhood to spend time teaching and caring for children. Not to do admin. So, as a director or leader, why are you spending so much time managing CCS, enrolments & family accounts?
If you’re spending more than 2-3 hours on these admin tasks, you need this essential resource for childcare centres.
In this guide, you’ll see exactly how to maximise efficiency when it comes to:
Billing Cycles & Structure Invoicing & Debiting Managing Debt Chid Care Subsidy (CCS)Want to save time on admin so you can spend more time doing the things that matter? Get Your FREE Guide!
#5: Childcare Enrolments Playbook
Whether you’re just starting out with a new childcare centre, looking to maximise your occupancy, or simply want to build out your waitlist, every service could do with the Childcare Enrolments Playbook.
This guide covers everything from growing enquiries through your website, to managing your social media pages.
Every childcare centre has a few educators who love getting on social media & helping to grow your brand - and if not, there are a whole host of people out there with the skillset to help you maximise your occupancy.
Want to learn the simple secrets that marketing consultants won’t tell you? Download this guide.
#6: How To Improve NQS Rating With OWNA
You should always be looking to improve quality in relation to the National Quality Standards, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.
If your childcare centre is already using OWNA, or you’re considering switching, this resource is perfect for you.
The guide goes through every single standard, element and quality area, and shows you how OWNA can help you Exceed it.
Download this childcare resource and start your journey to Exceeding.
What People Are Saying About Us

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- Programming & Planning
- Educator Management
- Health & Safety
Early Learning Centres$1.49 per child / month
Everything from Freemium, plus;- Unlimited Parent Communication
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- All Relevant Documentation for NQS Compliance
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OOSH/OSHCFrom $99/month
Everything from Premium, plus;- Casual Bookings
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Are you a multi-centre owner?Get in touch to chat about your options with OWNA.