Why choose OWNA over Xplor
logo 8.9/10 4.5*
7.3/10 4.1*
One App. All the Features.

Manage everything from one central location


All relevant documentation for
assessment & rating

Multi-Centre Management

Set your own standards across
your services

CCS & Payments

Efficient, secure and FREE
CCS system

Educator Management

Improve efficiency and
quality in your team


Increase occupancy with
less effort

Attendance Kiosk

Feed sign-in/out data into
attendances, payroll and more


Stay connected with
your stakeholders
Join 2,500+ Services

in using the most comprehensive childcare software in Australia

Start FREE Trial * no credit card required
Get more for your money with OWNA

The average centre saves over $5,000/year switching from Xplor to OWNA

CCMS: $1.49 per child
App: included
Total price for the average centre
Start FREE Trial * no credit card required
CCMS: $329
App: $200
Total price for the average centre
Onboard in Less Than 5 Days

We'll hold your hand throughout your switch from Xplor

Trusted by Over 2,500 Services

Australia's most comprehensive app for early education.

Hear from people who made the switch

Xplor didn't have what we wanted or needed to keep up the standards that we have at our centre

Fiona Little Winners Early Learning Centre

We had tried the likes of Kinderloop, Storypark, Xplor to name a few. While they were ok - OWNA just takes it to another level

Leah Crescent Head Community Preschool

We have also had so much more parent communication about the children's learning... Everyone in our team is able to use (OWNA) as it is so user friendly and not complicated even for our non-techy staff.

Brannan Leeb Chabad Malvern OSHC & Vacation Care