Why choose OWNA over Xplor
8.9/10 | 4.5* | |
Xplor |
7.3/10 | 4.1* |
One App. All the Features.
Manage everything from one central location
All relevant documentation for
assessment & rating
Multi-Centre Management
Set your own standards across
your services
CCS & Payments
Efficient, secure and FREE
CCS system
Educator Management
Improve efficiency and
quality in your team
Increase occupancy with
less effort
Attendance Kiosk
Feed sign-in/out data into
attendances, payroll and more
Stay connected with
your stakeholders
Join 2,500+ Services
in using the most comprehensive childcare software in Australia
Get more for your money with OWNA
The average centre saves over $5,000/year switching from Xplor to OWNA
CCMS: $1.49 per child
App: included
Total price for the average centre
Start FREE Trial
* no credit card required